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Activate your Voice Meditation
Step onto the journey to liberate your voice
with this 15-minute Activate Your Voice meditation!
- Tap into an expanded state where you feel empowered to speak your truth.
- Connect with your inner voice, and come back home to yourself.
- Unlock new visions and ideas that light you up from the inside out.
Grab a journal so you can capture the visions, thoughts, and intuitive guidance that come through.
It is from this visionary, activated place that you will lead your most liberated life!
Get Instant Access to this Meditation by Adding Your Information Below.
Speak Your Truth
Here's the Summary of Our Services:

1:1 VIP Program
Liberate your voice. Speak your truth. Share your gifts. Love your life.
The Liberate Your Voice, Speak Your Truth VIP program is a 6-month journey working one-to-one with Jackie.
The Holy Grail Codes
Group Program
7 Keys to align with your Soul Purpose and overflow with abundance and joy.
The Holy Grail is an ever-refilling cup of love, light, and joy. This 6-month program will help you embody the 7 keys, so you can transform your consciousness and your life. Come back to the pure essence of who you are at your core.
Books by Jackie Graves
Jackie Graves is a High Priestess of the New Golden Age, #1 international best-selling author, longtime educator, and Soul Voice Activator.
Jackie is the creator of Liberated Voice and The Holy Grail Codes, her signature programs. She helps courageous women leaders heal, empower, and activate their voices so they can step out and change the world.
Visit My Amazon Author Page
"I was lucky enough to have a session with Jackie just before the biggest launch of my life.
I had just become a mother. My little girl was just a couple months old. And I was doubling down on my business, my creative destiny, and my whole life in a way that I’d never come close to before.
When I met with Jackie, she immediately was able to tune into me. Her intuition is remarkable."
And in feeling my energy, she spoke just a few words that moved me to tears.
Because she could feel the power that I was holding in my creative vessel in my womb space, and she could also feel the tenderness and the healing that it needed.
And just a few moments, she called in the light, she called in healing for me, and I felt it. I felt it immediately. I felt a tingling in my body. I felt a lightness in my system.
And what she helped anchor for me was the strength of my creativity and importantly, the joy of birth. As I was now moving into a creative birth out of a physical birth. And helping me re-write my very recent experience, which was remarkable and beautiful, but also painful.
And she helped me re-write that in a way that led me to the greatest success I’ve ever had professionally.
If you have the opportunity to work with Jackie, take it.
She is a rare gem on this planet right now."
- Athena Llewellyn, Founder and Creatrix, Brand Aura -

Can You Imagine?
Being Your Radiantly Authentic Self,
speaking your truth and having people celebrate your work and your words while you magnetize an abundance of true prosperity
WITHOUT fear of judgment, jealousy, or being burned at the stake.

You share on social media and in live videos without having anxiety attacks
You naturally attract your soul tribe of people drawn to your message who want to be part of your movement.

You radiate JOY and authenticity like the beacon of light you truly are as you draw all that you desire to you.

You publish books, record music, create art, channel spiritual insights
And command an abundant living while sharing your truth and impacting the world with your vision.

Your teams follow your lead in new, visionary directions
While sharing their input and enthusiastic buy-in.

You feel free as power pulsates through your life and your body
– healthy, pain-free, and on purpose.

You speak on bigger stages
Land podcasts and TV appearances, amplifying your message and embodying your mission.

What Makes Working
with Jackie Graves Different?

I am a Soul Voice Activator.
I see you.
I see who you really are.
I see your future timelines.
I help you walk your highest path with ease, grace, and joy.

I hold space for you to be seen and heard
So you can speak the truth you may not have shared anywhere else.
You will be held, loved, and accepted unconditionally.
So your authentic self naturally emerges.

The way forward is to get out of your own way.
As you release the old stories that are holding you back,
You step into the future version of yourself who is already free.

I use multidimensional energy healing and light activations
to release energetic blocks in your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies.
I help you easily, gently, and gracefully release past trauma, old stories, and limiting beliefs, and reframe “failures,” so they no longer hold you back.

I activate future golden timelines,
so you can be the leader you came here to be.
Your journey is unlike anyone else’s.
I help you align and embody the truth of your soul,
so you can create your most joyful, loving, and prosperous life
With your liberated voice.

This journey puts you on a path of full soul liberation.
To bring your unique ideas into physical form.
To bring clarity to your inexpressible soul essence that is beyond language, beyond words,
To transmute trauma into light
So you can be of greater service on the planet.

You are here to lead the new visions.
You are here to BE yourself. To the fullest extent possible. To uplift humanity
And help the earth transition to a new golden age of light.

My Mission is to help visionary leaders liberate their voices
AND Embody their Truth so they can Step Out and Change the World.
Together, we are creating a world of peace, love, equality, and balance.
My Vision is to help YOU uplift humanity with your vision, leadership, and legacy.
When you liberate your voice, you can create anything you want. When you align with your soul purpose, you are on a path to living your most liberated life. When you embody your truth, you make your greatest impact on the planet. You are the visionary leader we’ve been waiting for.

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